
I love this picture of us 4

Emmett's 9 Month B-Day

Hello All,

As you can see from the picture - that is not Emmett's food, more like... Lady's food. Apparently he was on the floor mat (behind him) and decided to skooch over to the dog dish and eat some dog food. Luckily Kaylyn caught him before he ate any of it.

But today is his 9 month birthday, I think we might have some sort of celebration for him.

Hope all is well with everyone and I'll talk to you all soon.


Kaylyn, Emmett and Lady

Lady needed to be part of the action.

My beautiful wife and handsome son.

Blueberry picking

Kaylyn, Cassandra and Emmett went blueberry picking last Friday.

Emmett in his stroller - posing for a picture - gotta love his facial expression.

Get those trees out'a here

We finally took down some trees that needed to go. Now we have more light in the back yard.

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