Anonymous said... said:
Hey Mike and Kaylyn. Emmett is sooooooo cute. We love him so much already. We are so happy to hear that you guys are safe from the tree falling on your house. Thankfully no one was hurt eh? Hope everyone is doing well there, we'll talk to you soon.
Denise and Rich, Jack and Carter.
Karen said... said:
Hey there
The girls love to see pictures of little Emmett. Olivia daily thanks God for her new cousin. Jordanna loves to see all the baby pictures. It is nice to see Emmett all swaddled up. Some parents have no clue how to do that--which is too bad since babies love to be womb-like. Hopefully insurance pulls through and pays for everything on and in your house. Well gotta go, busy day--Olivia and I gotta get our costumes ready for the Santa Claus Parade tonight. I'm a shepherd and she's an angel. OH What fun (sarcasm included-we'll probably freeze our butts off)
Love you, Karen
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