Memorial Day Weekend

Hello All!
Hope everyone finds themself doing well today.

It was a good Memorial day weekend, beautiful weather and we got lots done. I did some plastering in the bathroom, fixed the garage door, cleaned out the garage and BBQ'd. We also bought some flowers for our gardens, Kaylyn planted them, while Emmett & I watched. We also went shopping for summer cloths for Emmett.

Emmett is doing well and growing like a weed, as you can see from the pictures.

Well have a good week!


Emmett loves getting lots of kisses from mom.

Emmett has been trying to hold the bottle every time we feed him, so I decided to let him try it on his own, he did well.

Daddy feeding Emmett, he loves eating squash.

Visser 6 said... said:

June 2, 2008 at 6:58 PM

WOW, what a cutie!, he sure is growing, can hardly wait to see him again. I see that as Emmett opens his mouth for food so does yours Mike funny how that works eh. Talk to you's soon.
Love The Visser's

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