Hello Everyone,
Hope all of you are dong well. The weather seems to be cooling off and fall looks
not far away.
We three are doing well - nothing really going on with us, just enjoying Emmett
grow up.
He can do some may things now, High fives (I taught him that, in about minute or so), open WET mouth kisses, drumming on mommy's pans, etc, etc. Other then those fun things, his upper and lower teeth out, he really wants to walk and hates to sit, loves to roll over, and over, and over, and over, well you get the picture, wants to hold everything that is shiny, and he loves to laugh (or maybe its giggles) when mom & dad make funny noises and faces at him. It has been so much fun and he seems to give Kaylyn and me some entertainment as well.
Hope you enjoy these pictures. All the best from us,
This one is for mom and dad Dedoes. It's college football season and Emmett can't wait to watch and maybe show you some plays when you two come over this fall.
Here's Emmett ready to roll over - see his bottom 2 teeth?
Emmett out for an afternoon stroll.
Kaylyn and Lady on a lazy afternoon reading the Sunday paper and sleeping.
Happy September!
Saturday at 7:06 PM Posted under
thededoes said... said:
Emmett, I am glad that you are getting ready to talk college football with you Grandpa and Grandma.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks!!
thededoes said... said:
Dear Emmett,
I like your football. I'll be ready to catch some and throw some to you next month. Are your parents pushing you to go to Calvin College already? We will see you in a few weeks.
Grandpa DD
Visser 6 said... said:
Hi Mike and Kaylyn, wow Emmett sure is getting big! you sure can see it in the picture of him walking with you Mike. Glad everyone is well. All is good here Kids are in school, everyone is still excited about it which is fantastic. Isaac seems to be doing well going to school every day and loving it. Joshua likes the social part of it all especially recess, Briannna is our little brain everything must be proper, also likes recess so you know "we girls can talk", Gracie is also doing good ,lots of rotation of teachers which she enjoys, wearing alittle makeup , always on MSN talking tying up our phonelines, ahhh I guess I better get used to this. Randy and I are doing well busy of course, but wouldn't trade it for anything,well miss you's take care and talk to you's soon! Give Emmett a big hug and kiss.
Love the Visser's
amberWIRE said... said:
September 17, 2008 at 10:49 AM
Miken! Emmet is too cute. I love the pic of him taking an afternoon stroll.
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