Emmett & Leaves


I can't believe this beautiful weather we are having. It's been great to get outside and do some yard work - like raking leaves (can't wait till Emmett's older, he can help me with the raking).

This past Saturday I raked a big pile of leaves for Emmett. You can see from the pictures that he enjoyed him self. I think he enjoyed eating the leaves more then having them fall on him.

Me introducing Emmett to the leaves.

lodging in the leaves

Enjoying the colors

Checking out a very interesting twig.

Visser 6 said... said:

November 17, 2008 at 6:08 PM

hi guys, just thought I would see some BIG BIRTHDAY BASH pictures of your 1 year old, maybe too tramatic,where does the year go. I can hardly wait till Emmett gets our little gift, I promise it will not be tooo annoying.Take care talk to you soon.
Love the
Visser 6

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