The Watertown Slide

Kaylyn and I finally purchased a dinning room table. We found it at an antique store just down the street from us. It's 54" round and has 4 leaves - that makes the table stretch out too 114". I guess we could have a large dinner party some time. I found out that the table was made in Watertown, Wisconsin, and they became famous for making nationally famous table slides since 1889. Here's and ad for the Watertown Table Slide Co.

Karen said... said:

March 29, 2008 at 9:18 PM

hey guys

can't wait to eat a gourmet dinner off that table. its fun getting something new eh? I remember getting our table--it can slide out really far too. tell you what; you come over , i'll cook you a meal.


Anonymous said... said:

April 10, 2008 at 9:33 PM

you should probably blog again...i'm sure there is more going on than your new dining room table :)

katie d

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