Emmett's Bike?

I've been biking to work off and on for the past two weeks, it takes me about 7 min. to get to there, which I think is awesome! It's been nice not relying on a car for all my travel needs... and to think I'm going 'green' now, kinda, sort-off... whatever? There is about 4 or 5 other people at work who do the same, so I thought I would 'get on the bandwagon*'. Thanks to my lovely wife for buying such a nice bike and letting me use it.

Emmett loves to see, touch and wear the equipment that belongs to the bike. Here he is ready to ride in the future 'Tour De France 2030.'


*Get on the bandwagon - to become involved in an activity which is successful so that you can get the advantages of it yourself.
Origin: 1881. The moment when the circus bandwagon, first mentioned in 1855, became a figurative expression for a burgeoning political movement.

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