Winter Wonderland

Hello! Happy Holidays!

Emmett's enjoying the snow or eating the snow hopefully it's not where Lady has peed - (nice dog hat and dog mitts - thanks Phil and Adelle). Kaylyn made the snowman for him. Nothing much going on here in Grand Rapids, except all the snow, the clouds gave us a generous 2 feet of snow over the past two days + drifting - Awesome!

Emmett is doing well, loves to walk and bump his head, plays with mommy's pots and pans, dips his cookies in his yogurt before he eats them or he just doesn't, feeds Lady while eating at the table - his own food of course, pets Lady whenever he gets a chance, loves visiting his rubber duck in the bathroom, hates having his diaper changed, has a bottomless stomach - we really don't know where his food goes. Anyway we all hope you have a great day.


Fun Pic's of Emmett

Emmett loves to brush his teeth.

Emmett taking a bath in his rubber duck that quacks.

Having an afternoon snack on daddy's lap.

Emmett & Leaves


I can't believe this beautiful weather we are having. It's been great to get outside and do some yard work - like raking leaves (can't wait till Emmett's older, he can help me with the raking).

This past Saturday I raked a big pile of leaves for Emmett. You can see from the pictures that he enjoyed him self. I think he enjoyed eating the leaves more then having them fall on him.

Me introducing Emmett to the leaves.

lodging in the leaves

Enjoying the colors

Checking out a very interesting twig.

Skooching Emmett

When Emmett spots us, he gets so excited and starts skooching over.

Coming over really fast.

He's hand singling us to pick him up.

Now he just wants the camera.

Emmett's 11 Month Party

Hello Again!

Just wanted you guys to see Emmett's 11 month party. We had it since Grandpa & Grandma DeDoes are not going to be around for his 1st Birthday. Emmett loved his time opening his presents, he got mega blocks and I think that Grandpa and me were more interested in them then he. He got to wear a party hat with his name, eat a pita chicken pizza and apple-crisp for dessert (he loved taking it apart with his hands). I think Emmett enjoyed their visit - I know we did.

A Visit from Washington

Mom and Dad DeDoes came down from Washington for a visit. Emmett has taken to them well, he doesn't seem to be too shy toward them. I think with all the fun they have with him, it was easy for him to get close. Mom and Dad do a good job tiring him out before bed.

Here he is with Grandpa looking out the window, he loves watching the squirrels run around and cars go by. He usually has an, I'm amazed expression on his face when cars go by. He just started to wave to us, that has been fun - although I think it's getting old for him.

Enjoy the rest of pictures.

Aunt Cassandra, Grandpa, Grandma and Emmett on a beautiful fall day.

Grandpa and Emmett and some red slippers, weird.

Mom and Emmett waving to the camera.

Emmett's Smile

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted anything on the blog. I hope everyone is doing well. Nothing going on here, except a lot of late nights of working.

Kaylyn is doing well, busy keeping a close watch over Emmett, since he has been skooching over the entire house now. He loves to follow us around. Kaylyn was telling me that she left him in his bedroom to play with his toys, while she getting the bath drawn up for him, she heard a knock on the door. When she opened it there was Emmett looking up at her giggling away. This now is his most favorite thing to do - going around knocking on the bathroom door, especially when I'm getting ready for work in the morning. He loves getting into places he should not, like Lady's drinking dish, the fridge, dishwasher and the fireplace. Well here are a few pictures of Emmett. Here's Emmett giving a cute simile-giggle for the carmera.

Love you all,


Emmett in his room, playing with his books.

He's so adorable! Here he is holding on to Lady's ball, I'm sure Lady is eagerly waiting for it.

Happy September!

Hello Everyone,

Hope all of you are dong well. The weather seems to be cooling off and fall looks
not far away.

We three are doing well - nothing really going on with us, just enjoying Emmett
grow up.

He can do some may things now, High fives (I taught him that, in about minute or so), open WET mouth kisses, drumming on mommy's pans, etc, etc. Other then those fun things, his upper and lower teeth out, he really wants to walk and hates to sit, loves to roll over, and over, and over, and over, well you get the picture, wants to hold everything that is shiny, and he loves to laugh (or maybe its giggles) when mom & dad make funny noises and faces at him. It has been so much fun and he seems to give Kaylyn and me some entertainment as well.

Hope you enjoy these pictures. All the best from us,


This one is for mom and dad Dedoes. It's college football season and Emmett can't wait to watch and maybe show you some plays when you two come over this fall.

Here's Emmett ready to roll over - see his bottom 2 teeth?

Emmett out for an afternoon stroll.

Kaylyn and Lady on a lazy afternoon reading the Sunday paper and sleeping.


I love this picture of us 4

Emmett's 9 Month B-Day

Hello All,

As you can see from the picture - that is not Emmett's food, more like... Lady's food. Apparently he was on the floor mat (behind him) and decided to skooch over to the dog dish and eat some dog food. Luckily Kaylyn caught him before he ate any of it.

But today is his 9 month birthday, I think we might have some sort of celebration for him.

Hope all is well with everyone and I'll talk to you all soon.


Kaylyn, Emmett and Lady

Lady needed to be part of the action.

My beautiful wife and handsome son.

Blueberry picking

Kaylyn, Cassandra and Emmett went blueberry picking last Friday.

Emmett in his stroller - posing for a picture - gotta love his facial expression.

Get those trees out'a here

We finally took down some trees that needed to go. Now we have more light in the back yard.

Emmett's Visit to the Farm

Kaylyn and Emmett on the John Deer.

Grandpa and Emmett on the John Deer. He looks like a little farmer.

Relaxing on the porch.

What a handsome man.

This is Bailey... he loves to bark at birds run around like a mad dog.

There was a litter of kittens and they all seemed to gravitate toward & into baskets.

Phil & Adelle's Wedding

Ohhhh... what a cute couple.

This was the church that they were married in, it's also the church that Kaylyn's father preached at as an intern. You can see Kaylyn, my brother Rich and sister-in-law Denelle and our nephew Jack in the foreground.

This are the 'rigs' that Phil used to transport his wedding party.

Just us brothers and sisters and our new sister-in-law. We love you Adelle!

Just the sister's with Phil, laughing about what, I don't know?

You two look awesome together.

New Home Exterior Color

Here are before and after shots of the new color on our house.



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